Nepal Blog Day 6 – Friday 22nd November

An early start today. Awoken by the cockerel at 6 am but some said it was 4.30 am. Breakfast at 7 am, before embarking on the school project.

Need to give Tim the gold award today for his sheer determination and motivation to get 4 classrooms completed with electricity, even if Mark did try and sabotage his good work ethics! The waiters from the Famous Farm even brought out lunch to us – pretty amazing. Such nice people here.

So today Ben and Mike on toilet building duties, team Chris comprising of Chris, Helen and Penny on painting, Kenny on toilet (not literally!) and desk/window frame making duties, Mark and Adam on welding, with Mark beginning to resemble Jerry the Berry from Phoenix Nights! So funny and not from the sun! Tim works tirelessly with Dambar the Manager at the Famous Farm to do the electrics through the classrooms and Shiva, our guide continued to motivate us throughout. So day two of the project and all working from 7.30 to 6 pm, who would say a beer was not going to be on the agenda?!

But when it was time for bed, it turned out that someone had taken another lock and put in on our bedroom door so we couldn’t get in. Not making any assumptions here Tim, but….?!!!!

Beautiful meal and excellent company