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MC Plan & Site Services Ltd

Cookie Policy


We only use cookies for Google Analytics, no personal information is stored. Google Analytics is a simple, easy-to-use tool that helps website owners measure how users interact with website content. As a user navigates between web pages, Google Analytics provides website owners JavaScript tags (libraries) to record information about the page a user has seen, for example the URL of the page. The Google Analytics JavaScript libraries use HTTP Cookies to "remember" what a user has done on previous pages / interactions with the website.

Important: Google Analytics does not store any personal information about your website users. Read the Google Analytics privacy document for more details. 

Google Analytics supports two JavaScript libraries (tags) for measuring website usage: analytics.js and ga.js.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are small files that websites put on your computer hard disk drive when you first visit. 

Think of a cookie as an identification card that's uniquely yours. Its job is to notify the site when you've returned. While it is possible to misuse a cookie in cases where there is personal data in it, cookies by themselves are not malicious.

Many websites, including Microsoft's, use cookies. Cookies tell us how often you visit pages, which helps us learn what information interests you. In this way, we can give you more of the content you like and less of the content you don't.

Cookies can help you be more efficient. Have you ever put something in a virtual shopping cart in an online store and then returned a few days later to find that the item is still there? That's an example of cookies at work.

Cookies let you store preferences and user names, register products and services, and personalize pages.

But if you never register or leave personal information at a site, then the server only knows that someone with your cookie has returned to the website. It doesn't know anything else.

Click on the the About Cookies link to learn more about Cookies.


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